Quality Monitoring

Quality Monitoring

  1. ATTENDANCE (on monthly basis)

Attendance of Instructor

Sl No Name of the Instructor August September October November December


Attendance of Instructor

Sl No Name of the Trainee Trade August September October November December




Trainees Name/Roll No. Monthly Test I Monthly Test II Monthly Test III Monthly Test IV Monthly Test V
Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED


Trainees Name/Roll No. Monthly Test I Monthly Test II Monthly Test III Monthly Test IV Monthly Test V
Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED Th Pr Ws ED
  1. Electrical Energy Consumption per student per month
  2. Raw Material Consumption per student per month

e. Maintenance expenditure per year on building and machines